The Long Term OG: Ceb Shares His Thoughts

Plan for the Long Term OG hired them. OG doesn’t rely on quick responses to put together a Dota 2 team. Instead, they use a well-thought-out plan. Sébastien “Ceb” Debs said that OG spends a lot of time scouting and taking factors into account to make sure they have the right players available when they are needed. Because of this long-term plan, they were able to announce their new lineup a lot earlier than their rivals. It will include Matthew “Ari” Walker and Adrián “Wisper” Dobles.

The Long Term OG: The new responsibilities and role that Ceb has taken on

Ceb is now the captain of OG’s 2024 team and provides strong backing. Ceb has taken on this new job. Unlike last season, he is now fully in charge of the team, which means he has more duties to fulfill. Wisper and Ari have been added by OG, which is why this change happened. Ceb has been talking about these two guys for almost a year without naming them.

The Long Term OG: In the quiet, Wisper is a powerful force.

Wisper gives Ceb “Ana vibes.” Wisper is famous for his great acts in the South American scene. The fact that Wisper doesn’t speak English very well doesn’t matter because his skills speak louder than the language barrier. Ceb agreed that Wisper is very talented, even though Wisper was playing with a high ping in training against top teams.

The Long Term OG: Professionalism beyond compare Shown off by Ari

However, Ari was only recently starting out in the business world, Ceb was amazed by how hard he worked. Even though Ari is still young, his dedication to the club and the worth he adds cannot be stressed enough. Ceb says that OG is very lucky to have a player with such a high level of professionalism and commitment.

How OG Deals with Losses in a Different Way

OG, who used to go by the name (monkey) Business, has become one of the smartest and most dangerous players in Dota 2. One big surprise Ceb gave us is that OG doesn’t set time limits or respond to the results. The company believes that it will take the right amount of time to build a team. As Ceb says, it’s important to keep evaluating the team, and the review shouldn’t be based on losses but on how the team is growing and changing.

How contact works and how the team works

When talking about how important organized communication is within the team, Ceb stresses how important it is. So that players can show themselves better, OG has set up processes and mechanisms. The goal of this approach is to help teammates understand each other better, which helps the team work together more quickly.

OG’s success is due to both the skilled players they have on staff and the methodical and patient way they build their teams. These notes by Ceb give us a look into how OG works on the inside. Showing how committed the company is to excellence and long-term success in the VTBET  Dota 2 community.